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Southeastern US Purple Martin Project

The Adopt-a-Martin Program is how you can help support our Southeastern Purple Martin Project. There are 3 levels to this program. Please click this form and fill it out if you want to participate in this program!



Bronze level- $35 

For this level, you will be mailed a signed physical copy of your Adopt-a-Martin certificate. This certificate will have a picture of the bird you symbolically "adopted" with its color and federal band information, location banded, date banded, age and sex information. How does this help our Purple Martin friends? This level goes toward general costs of our Purple Martin project from purchasing color bands, gas for our team to visit the monitoring sites, trapping equipment, and other project expenses.​


Silver Level- $100

For this level, you'll get one of our engraved, custom aluminum card with individual specifications of your "adopted martin." You will be mailed a signed physical copy of your Adopt-a-Martin certificate the same as described for the bronze level. Additionally, for this amount, you will receive an email on an annual basis if the bird is resighted in subsequent years.  How does this help our Purple Martin friends? This level goes toward general costs of our Purple Martin project from purchasing color bands, gas for our team to visit the monitoring sites, trapping equipment, and other project expenses.


Prototype of the custom card that you will receive:























Gold Level- $200

For this level you get the mailed Adopt-a-Martin certificate, the custom engraved card  (both described above), and the annual updates if your bird is resighted! This best benefit of the level is you will be directly assisting our efforts in discovering more about the migration routes of Purple Martins! If you select this level, the money will go straight to buying one Geolocator device (the cost of one unit is $190 plus shipping). These devices allow us to track their migration! If the geolocator and the data on it is retrieved, you will receive a summary of what we learned about that bird's route!

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